V6’s heartbreak themed new single
Popular JE group, V6, is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. Oricon Star interviewed the group about their heartbreak themed new single, “only dreaming/Catch”, that will be released on September 1, and Inohara’s upcoming drama, “警視庁捜査一課9係 (Keishicho Sousa Ikka 9-gakari)”.

The highlights of the interview and PV of the new single come under the cut.

“only dreaming/Catch” is the group’s first single for the year, and it will be used as the theme song for “警視庁捜査一課9係 (Keishicho Sousa Ikka 9-gakari)”, a crime drama which stars Inohara.

V6 started recording the song during their tour, from April 3 to June 13.

It’s perfectly normal for groups not to record a song together, which is also true for V6. However, they decided to sing the new song together during the last day of their tour. It was their first time singing it together.

V6 members have different impressions about the song. Morita Go thought it has girly lyrics and made men look weak. Sakamoto, on the other hand, was clearly impressed with their new song, as the group have not yet sung any songs with a straightforward break-up message. He was also quite confused about the connection of the song to Inohara’s drama. Nagano felt like it says something about not forgetting someone, but Inohara butted in by saying that Nagano has yet to experience enough love to say things like that.

The PV was filmed sometime in July, and Inohara said they made it during a really humid day.

Morita was surprised with the outcome of the PV. As they had their own individual scenes, he had no idea what the others did. Some of the members were crying. Morita was asked to cry for the PV, but he couldn’t even get teary eyed, much less shed tears.

Inohara was asked to act like he was in agony, and Miyake thought Inohara had to take poison to act that way.

Talking about their parts, Morita, Miyake, and Okada were asked to cry. Nagano was asked to act like a man who was deep in sorrow over the death of the woman he loves, and he further commented that he thought everybody was asked to do the same thing.

Sakamoto was not asked anything specific, but Inohara said that Sakamoto’s face already has so much sorrow in it that he didn’t need to act to get the effect.

If you take their comments in the right context, I think it’s quite refreshing to see them poke fun at one another.

Also, check out the PV below!

source: tokyohive

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