Ninomiya Kazunari and Sasaki Nozomi are dating?

Nikkan Sports reported today that Arashi’s Ninomiya Kazunari and model/actress Sasaki Nozomi are in a serious relationship.

According to the article, the two became acquainted when Sasaki made an appearance on Arashi’s TV program “Himitsu no Arashi-chan” last spring. Sasaki had said of Ninomiya, “(He’s) bright, smart, and able to lighten the atmosphere. (I) only have a good impression.”

Ninomiya had said in a past magazine interview that his ideal type was “a hardworking and cute girl, in terms of both face and personality.” Sasaki had said at an event that her ideal type was someone “funny, kind, and I can be myself around.”

The two have been reportedly dating since last winter. Because of their careers, the two have been spending time in Sasaki’s home rather than going out on dates in public. A neighbor living in Sasaki’s mansion revealed, “I see Ninomiya-san twice a week when it’s frequent.”

A friend of Sasaki said the model revealed that “(Ninomiya) is really kind” and that they “practically live together” because of frequent home dates.

If the rumor is true, the two would be a very high profile couple. At the moment, Ninomiya and Sasaki have not commented officially about their relationship.

source: tokyohive

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