Aoi Yu & Okada Masaki visit Korea for Pusan International Film Festival
Upcoming movie, “Raiou (雷桜)” was exhibited at the 15th Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF) in the Open cinema section, and Aoi Yu and Okada Masaki visited Korea on October 7th. When the two appeared on the red carpet, an audience of about 5,000 applauded them as if it was in Japan.

This is the international debut for Okada, and he said, “I am happy and honord to be able to introduce Japanese culture to people in different countries.” On the other hand, Aoi has visited PIFF in 2004 with movie “Hana to Alice”, and in 2006 with “Hula Girl.”

Aoi said, “It’s a wonderful thing that people in different countries connect with each other through movies, and share it together.”

“Raiou” will be released on October 22nd in Japan.

source: tokyohive

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