Pop princess Matsuura Aya, better known as “Ayaya” by her fans, has joined the Twitter world!
She started her own account, @matsuura_aya, at the very end of September, and apparently the account was started to kick off her upcoming tenth anniversary activities, but she seems to be having a lot of fun with it. Ayaya has only had the account for a few days, and she has already tweeted over 80 times, showing that she is well on her way to being a regular Twitter user. She kicked off her account by introducing herself in her own typical, cute Ayaya fashion:
“Nice to meet you! I’m Ayaya, or Matsuura Aya. (giggle) Next year in April will be the tenth anniversary of my debut. I’ll have lots of activities up to that date, so i’ll be tweeting until then! Watch over me ☆”
The account hasn’t been verified on the UFA website or her blog, but she is being followed by her manager, @Mg_yamakatsu, who has tweeted pictures of Ayaya during recording sessions for her upcoming album, and she’s also followed by Hello!Project mastermind, Tsunku.
source : tokyohive
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