Akira Ogata’s “Shikeidai no Elevator” (Elevator to the Gallows) premiered on October 9th and cast members, Kichise Michiko, Abe Hiroshi, Tamayama Tetsuji, and Kitagawa Keiko appeared at Kadokawa Cinema Shinjuku to greet the audience.
The movie tells the tale of an adulterous affair between a handsome doctor and the wife of a medical corporation president, who decide to murder the husband together in order for them to live freely together.
The film ends with a close-up of Kichise’s face, so close in fact that she said that the audiences could see her pores. There is also a scene where Kitagawa Keiko throws up in a toilet. Keiko confessed that she had to try different ingredients, such as flour or melted candy, in order to make the vomit look real. Candidly, the actress said that she enjoyed it.
“Shikeidai no Elevator” is a remake of the 1957 French film noir, “Ascenseur pour I’Echafaud”.
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